Step enb local
Step enb local

step enb local

I did all of this and performance in interiors is a constant 60 FPS with lots of headroom. Setting this to 1 (medium) or even 2 (low) will improve performance with very little difference in image quality. In many ENBs all of the Quality, SamplingQuality and FilterQuality settings are set to 0, which is high.

step enb local

Go through your enbseries.ini and set all EnableSupersampling to false. Meaning all reflections will be rendered at 4K! Which is insane! Setting this to false gave me a 10% boost in interiors. However, because EnableSupersampling is set to true every reflection will be rendered at four times the resolution. So what does that mean? SizeScale=1.0 means that reflections will have the same resolution as your game resolution. So looking through the enbseries.ini of NLA I found the following: I did some research and found this guide on ENB tuning: Some of you may know about it but it seem that even ENB creators are not aware of it.

step enb local

The visuals are great but performance was pretty bad on my GTX 970, even in interiors. I'm using the popular Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB (NLA).

Step enb local